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Cultural Sets - Objects & Cards

Cultural Sets - Objects & Cards

Montessori cultural activities involve using small objects and cards to explore the world.

Children work with miniature replicas of landmarks, animals, and objects from different cultures, matching them to corresponding cards.

This hands-on approach helps children learn about geography, animals, and diverse cultures in an interactive and enjoyable way, fostering a curiosity about the world around them.

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Animal Tracks

Set of 6 wooden handmade stamps - animal tracks with basket.

These animal play dough stampers are sure to entertain and teach your children for hours.

Made of beech wood.

3" each in diameter.

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Bird Tracks with Cards

Set of 6 wooden bird feet play dough stamps with matching cards. Made of beech wood.

3" each in diameter.

Handmade wicker basket is included.

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Land, Air & Water Transportation

Our beautiful Replica set includes 6” x 4” x 2” clear plastic box with 21objects inside, and 3 large cards. Each object is professionally sculpted and finely hand painted.

Replica size is between 1.5” and 3” in height.

Land: Police Car, Fire Truck, Sports Car, Motorcycle, ATV, Semitruck, Pickup Truck.

Air: Hot Air Balloon, Plain, Blimp, Parachutist, Helicopter, Stunt Plain, Space Shuttle.

Water: Cruise Liner, Steamboat, Sailboat, Windsurfer, Motorboat, Battleship, Jet Ski.


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Land, Air & Water Animals

Our beautiful Replica set includes 6” x 4” x 2” clear plastic box with 18 objects inside, and 3 large cards. Each object is professionally sculpted and finely hand painted.

Replica size is between 1.5” and 3” in height.

Land Animals: Land Iguana, Land Tortoise, Mountain Lion, Sheep, Panda, Centipede.

Air Animals: Booby, Macaw, Dragonfly, Ibis, Quetzal, Butterfly.

Water Animals: Sea Turtle, Fish, Goldfish, Shark, Humpback Whale, Octopus.                         

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Land & Water Form Objects

Our beautiful unique set includes 6” x 4” x 2” clear plastic box with 12 objects inside.

Each object is professionally sculpted and finely hand painted. Replica size is between 1.5” and 3” in height.

- Have the children pour water into two geographical forms from our 6.00.02 Land and Water Form Trays set.

- Introduce Land & Water Form Objects, removing them one at a time and naming each of them. Discuss the objects with the children and decide if they belong on land or in water, and place them appropriately.

6.00.02 Land & Water Form Trays are sold separately.

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Vertebrate and Invertebrate

Our beautiful Replica set includes: 20 animals, 22 laminated cards, and 2 clear plastic boxes.

·  6” x 4” x 2” clear plastic box with 20 animal objects inside.

·  3 ½” x 2 ½” x 1 ½” clear plastic box with 20 laminated cards with names of animals, and two Vertebrate & Invertebrate cards.

Children can check their work by looking at the colour coding on the back of the cards.

 Each object is professionally sculpted and finely hand painted. Replica size is between 1.5” and 3” in height. Animals in this set:

Vertebrates: human, fish, turtle, hamster, mouse, frog, parrot, whale, crocodile, snake.

Invertebrates: starfish, octopus, butterfly, bumblebee, centipede, ant, cockroach, spider, fly, ladybug.



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Five Classes of Vertebrates

Our beautiful Replica set includes: 25 animals, 30 laminated cards, and 2 clear plastic boxes.

Children can check their work by looking at the colour coding on the back of the cards. Each object is professionally sculpted and finely hand painted. Replica size is between 1.5” and 3” in height.

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Reptiles Matching Set with 10 Objects and Picture Cards

This amazing set includes:

- one large 6” x 4” x 2” clear plastic box with 10 objects

- one small 3 1/2” x 2 1/2” x 1 1/2” clear plastic box

- 10 laminated  2 3/4” x 2” picture cards

- 10 laminated 2 1/2” x 1 1/8”matching word cards

Each object is professionally sculpted and finely hand painted. Replica size is between 1.5” and 3” in height.

Children can check their work by looking at the names of the animals on the back of the cards.

Objects in this set: Horned Lizard, Land Iguana, Land Tortoise, Water Iguana, Sea Turtle, Turtle, Yellow Snake, Black Snake, Crocodile, and Chameleon.

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Oviparous and Viviparous

Oviparous animals are animals that reproduce by laying eggs.This is how most fish, amphibians, reptiles, and insects reproduce.

Viviparous animals are born as live young individuals. Mammals such as cows, horses, dogs, pigs, dolphins are viviparous. Humans are also viviparous.

Our beautiful set includes: 14 animals, 18 laminated cards, and 2 clear plastic boxes.

·  6” x 4” x 2” clear plastic box with 14 animal objects inside.

·  3 ½” x 2 ½” x 1 ½” clear plastic box with 14 laminated cards with names of animals, two large cards with description, one plastic egg, and two large Oviparous and Viviparous cards.

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Whales & Dolphins Sorting Set

The whole set includes:

  • 9” x 11.5” laminated card with pictures, spaces to put an object, and a space for a label.
  • 9” x 11.5” laminated control card with pictures, names, and a space to put an object.
  • 4 ¾” x 3 ½” x 1 ¼ clear plastic box with 8 objects and 8 laminated name cards inside.

Each object is professionally sculpted and finely hand painted. Replica size is between 1.5” and 3” in height.

Objects in this set: Beluga Whale, Narwhal Whale, Killer Whale, Gray Whale, Spotted Dolphin, Bottlenose Dolphin, Common Dolphin, and Pacific White-Sided Dolphin.

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Exotic Birds Set with 10 Objects and Picture Cards

This amazing set includes one large 6” x 4” x 2” clear plastic box with 10 objects, and one small 3 ½” x 2 ½” x 1 ½” clear plastic box with 10 laminated picture cards and matching word cards inside.

Each object is professionally sculpted and finely hand painted.

Replica size is between 1.5” and 3” in height.

Children can check their work by looking at the names of the animals on the back of the cards.

Objects in this set:

Flamingo, Macaw, Quetzal, White Ibis, Frigate Bird, Cockatoo, Toucan, Red-Footed Booby, Snowy Owl, Hawk.

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Living / Non-living Classification

Our beautiful Replica set includes 6” x 4” x 2” clear plastic box with 14 objects inside, and 2 large cards.

Each object is professionally sculpted and finely hand painted.

Replica size is between 1.5” and 3” in height.


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Quantity must be lower than or equal to 14