Vertebrate and Invertebrate

Our beautiful Replica set includes: 20 animals, 22 laminated cards, and 2 clear plastic boxes.

·  6” x 4” x 2” clear plastic box with 20 animal objects inside.

·  3 ½” x 2 ½” x 1 ½” clear plastic box with 20 laminated cards with names of animals, and two Vertebrate & Invertebrate cards.

Children can check their work by looking at the colour coding on the back of the cards.

 Each object is professionally sculpted and finely hand painted. Replica size is between 1.5” and 3” in height. Animals in this set:

Vertebrates: human, fish, turtle, hamster, mouse, frog, parrot, whale, crocodile, snake.

Invertebrates: starfish, octopus, butterfly, bumblebee, centipede, ant, cockroach, spider, fly, ladybug.



Ages OLD