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Primary Phonics - Storybook Set 5 (includes 10 books)

Book 1: The Pet Poodle
-Consonant sounds: b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, r, s, t, v, w, z, sh (fish), ch (chick), -tch (witch), -ng (king), -nk (ink), -le (apple), th (teeth), wh (wheel)
-Consonant blends: st-, sl-, cl-, fr-, gr-, br-, sm-, tr-, -st, -nt, -mp, -ll, -ss, -ck, -x
-Vowel sounds: a (cat), i (pig), o (hot), u (cup), e (pet), a (ape), i (kite), o (bone), u (mule), ee (bee), ea (seal), ee (jeep), long vowels with r as in fire and deer, ar (car), or (horn), er (hammer), ir (bird), oo (moon)
-Sight words: a, the, to, and, of, I, said, are, you, have, was, how, his, be, he, we, she, so
-Continues practice of plural forms, compound words and two-syllable words

Book 2: The Good Cook
-Consonant sounds: b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, r, s, t, v, w, sh (fish), ch (chick), -tch (witch), -ng (king), -nk (ink), th (teeth), wh (wheel)
-Consonant blends: st-, fr-, sp-, sn-, sm-, sw-, -st, -nt, -ff, -ll, -ck, -x
-Vowel sounds: a (cat), i (pig), o (hot), u (cup), e (pet), a (ape), i (kite), o (bone), u (mule), oa (goat), ai (nail), ea (seal), ee (jeep), long vowels with r as in fire and deer, ar (car), er (hammer, farmer, driver), ir (bird), oo (moon), oo (book)
-Sight words: a, the, to, and, of, I, said, are, you, have, these, those, for, their, be, he, no, so
-Continues practice of plural forms, compound words and two-syllable words

Book 3: Snow Fun
-Consonant sounds: b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, r, s, t, v, w, sh (fish), -le (apple), th (teeth), wh (wheel)
-Consonant blends: fl-, bl-, tr-, cr-, sn-, -st, -nd, -nt, -lp, -ll, -dd, -tt, -ck, -x
-Vowel sounds: a (cat), i (pig), o (hot), u (cup), e (pet), a (ape), i (kite), o (bone), u (mule), ie (pie), ee (bee), oa (goat), ai (nail), ea (seal), ee (jeep), long vowels with r as in fire and deer, ar (car), or (horn), er (hammer, farmer, driver), ur (turtle), oo (moon), oo (book), ow (snow)
-Sight words: a, the, to, and, of, I, said, are, you, have, was, be, he, me, we, she
-Continues practice of plural forms, compound words and two-syllable words

Book 4: A Cow in Town
-Consonant sounds: b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, r, s, t, v, w, sh (fish), ch (chick), -nk (ink), -le (apple), th (teeth), wh (wheel)
-Consonant blends: st-, cl-, fl-, dr-, fr-, gr-, cr-, br-, pr-, -st, -nd, -nt, -mp, -lp, -ff, -ll, -ss, itt
-Vowel sounds: a (cat), i (pig), o (hot), u (cup), e (pet), a (ape), i (kite), o (bone), ie (pie), ee (bee), oa (goat), ea (seal), ee (jeep), long vowels with r as in fire and deer, ar (car), or (horn), er (hammer, farmer), ar (dollar), oo (moon), oo (book), ow (snow), ow (cow)
-Sight words: a, the, to, and, of, I, said, are, you, have, was, my, went, be, he, me, we, she, go, no
-Continues practice of plural forms, compound words and two-syllable words

Book 5: The Moust House
-Consonant sounds: b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, r, s, t, v, w, sh (fish), ch (chick), -tch (witch), -le (apple), th (teeth), wh (wheel)
-Consonant blends: st-, sl-, gl-, gr-, cr-, pr-, -st, -nd, -nt, -ll, -tt, -ck
-Vowel sounds: a (cat), i (pig), o (hot), u (cup), e (pet), a (ape), i (kite), o (bone), ie (pie), ee (bee), ea (seal), ee (jeep), long vowels with r as in fire and deer, or (horn), er (hammer), oo (moon), oo (book), ow (snow), ow (cow), ou (mouse)
-Sight words: a, the, to, and, of, I, said, are, you, him, be, he, me, we, go, so
-Continues practice of plural forms, compound words and two-syllable words

Book 6: The Shy Tiger
-Consonant sounds: b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, r, s, t, v, w, sh (fish), -nk (ink), -le (apple), th (teeth), wh (wheel)
-Consonant blends: st-, fl-, dr-, fr-, tr-, gr-, cr-, sp-, sm-, sc-, sk-, -st, -nt, -lf, -ct, -ff, -ll, -tt, -ck
-Vowel sounds: a (cat), i (pig), o (hot), u (cup), e (pet), a (ape), i (kite), ie (pie), ee (bee), ea (seal), long vowels with r as in fire and deer, or (horn), er (hammer), oo (moon), oo (book), ow (snow), ow (cow), ay (day), ey (key), y (fly)
-Sight words: a, the, to, and, of, I, said, are, you, have, was, be, he, me, we, she, so
-Continues practice of plural forms, compound words and two-syllable words

Book 7: The Lost Wallet
-Consonant sounds: b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, r, s, t, v, w, z, sh (fish), ch (chick), -ng (king), -nk (ink), th (teeth), wh (wheel), ck (pocket)
-Consonant blends: st-, sl-, pl-, gl-, dr-, cr-, sw-, sc-, gr-, th-, -st, -nd, -nt, -ft, -lp, -ff, -ll, -tt, -ck
-Vowel sounds: a (cat), i (pig), o (hot), u (cup), e (pet), i (kite), o (bone), e (Pete), ie (pie), ee (bee), oa (goat), ea (seal), long vowels with r as in fire and deer, ar (car), or (horn), er (hammer), ir (bird), oo (moon), oo (book), ou (mouse), ay (day), y (fly), aw (saw), wa (water)
-Sight words: a, the, to, and, of, I, said, are, you, have, was, something, your, be, me, we, he, go, no
-Continues practice of plural forms, compound words and two-syllable words

Book 8: Too Small
-Consonant sounds: b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, r, s, t, v, w, z, ch (chick), -tch (witch), -le (apple), th (teeth), wh (wheel)
-Consonant blends: st-, pl-, gl-, dr-, tr-, gr-, cr-, sm-, -nt, -lp, -ff, -gg, -ll, -st
-Vowel sounds: a (cat), i (pig), o (hot), u (cup), e (pet), a (ape), i (kite), o (bone), u (mule), e (Pete), ie (pie), ee (bee), ea (seal), long vowels with r as in fire and deer, ar (car), or (horn), er (hammer), ir (bird), oo (moon), oo (book), ow (snow), ow (cow), ou (mouse), ay (day), y (fly), aw (saw), wa (water), all (ball), al (palm), alk (talk)
-Sight words: a, the, to, and, of, I, said, are, you, have, was, one, some, this, do, be, he, me, we, no, so
-Continues practice of plural forms, compound words and two-syllable words

Book 9: The Square Egg
-Consonant sounds: b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, r, s, t, v, w, sh (fish), -le (apple), th (teeth), wh (wheel), y (yellow), qu (queen)
-Consonant blends: pl-, fl-, bl-, fr-, tr-, gr-, -st, -nd, -nt, -ff, -gg, -ll, -tt, -ck
-Vowel sounds: a (cat), i (pig), o (hot), u (cup), e (pet), a (ape), i (kite), o (bone), ee (bee), ea (seal), ee (jeep), long vowels with r as in fire and deer, ar (car), ar (quart), or (horn), er (hammer), ir (bird), oo (moon), oo (book), ow (snow), ou (mouse), ay (day), wa (water), all (ball)
-Sight words: a, the, to, and, of, I, said, are, you, have, an, then, be, he, we, she, go, no
-Continues practice of plural forms, compound words and two-syllable words

Book 10: The Clumsy Rabbit
-Consonant sounds: b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, r, s, t, v, w, sh (fish), ch (chick), -tch (witch), -ng (king), -le (apple), th (teeth), wh (wheel), y (yellow)
-Consonant blends: st-, pl-, cl-, fl-, dr-, fr-, tr-, gr-, cr-, sm-, sw-, -st, -nt, -mp, -ft, -lp, -lf, -ff, -ll, -ss, -ck
-Vowel sounds: a (cat), i (pig), o (hot), u (cup), e (pet), a (ape), i (kite), o (bone), ie (pie), ee (bee), ea (seal), ee (jeep), long vowels with r as in fire and deer, ar (car), or (horn), er (hammer), ur (turtle), oo (moon), oo (book), ow (cow), ou (mouse), ay (day), y (fly), wa (water), all (ball), al (palm), alk (talk), y (baby)
-Sight words: a, the, to, and, of, I, said, are, you, have, was, two, your, be, he, me, we, go, so
-Continues practice of plural forms, compound words and two-syllable words

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